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Questions and Answers

SD-TechManager7000(1) and PLUG-iN
We have collected some questions from our software tester and customers. Select the category first, than look for a similar question.
Naming description:
- Standard SD Card system (Technics) KN7000 basic load/save SD card system
(20 songs/99 directories, 16 characters naming)
- PLUG-iN SD Card system (KEY SOFT SERVICE) PLUG-iN load/save SD card system
(16 songs/240 directories, 26 characters naming)

If your question is not listet here, please send us an e-mail with your request (The more details we get from you the better the answer can be).


Just for your information again:
- SD-TechManager7000 ---> PC software based on the KN7000 with standard SD card system.
- SD-TechManager7001 ---> PC software based on the KN7000 with SP7001 PLUG-iN system.
Some of the questions are addresssed to SD-TM7000, some for the SD-TM7001.
upzum Anfangup
- I have no liberation code!
During SP7001 installation a personal software code will be created. Only with that code (displaid on the KN7000 screen) we can generate the liberation code and send it to you.

- I have installed all my software on my computer again. My liberation code now don't mach.
If you install Windows again, also the system registry will be generated new and all liberation informations are gone. When you install the SD-TM7000 again, also the software code will be genereted newly. Therefor you also need a new liberation code.
In case of uninstall and reinstall again you don't need a new liberation.

- I don't have an owner manual
We have spent much more attention to the online help system and have cancelled the owners manual. User coments and hotline informations showed us that only a very small groupe of user at all read the printed documentation.

- I m using the Song Manager but will change to the SD-TechManager7000? Is there a big difference?
The SD-TechManager7000 is simply the PRO version of the very limited freeware Song Manager.
Of course the Song Manager is able to transfer data also without SD card adapter. But since the data transfer rate of the KN7000 USB port is so slow, we decided to not offer such a feature.
On the other hand the SD-TechManager7000 is a full featured backup/restore and edit software.

- Why I need the USB SD Card adapter for the SD-TechManager7000?
In the early development phase we have tested the KN7000 USB conection for the SD-TechManager7000. The results leed us very soon to the decision to offer the SD-TechManager7000 only in conjunction with a USB or PCM/CIA SD Card adapter.

- Is it possible to increase the 99 directories with the SD-TechManager?
NO, since the KN7000 set the specification of the SD card even with the Sd-TechManager7000 we can't change the directory structure of the SD card.

- I will buy the SP7001. Is there a program upgrade for the SD-TM7001?
If you already use the SD-TechManager7000 and you purchase the PLUG-iN you will get the SD-TechManager7001 free of charge. You can keep the SD-TechManager7000 on your computer because you need them for the data transfer.
upzum Anfangup

- Can I copy MIDI files into a Technics directory?
First of all we have to clarify the question.
On the SD-TechManager7000 as well as on the SD-TechManager7000 we strictly use the file policy of the KN7000 or the SP7001 PLUG-iN.
Regarding SD-TechManager7000 ---> No, the system doesn't allow this! Since the standard SD Card system use MDI file directory and Technics directory we cannot copy a MIDI file into a Techics directory. Also a MIDI file need to be converted (with various filter) into a Technics sequencer which is only possible on the KN7000.
Regarding SD-TechManager7001 ---> Yes, the PLUG-iN system allow this!

- Can I make a Directory for some midi songs with the SD-TechManager?
NO! Since the SD card system is subdivided into SD Sound (MIDI) and Technics list only the Technics section has directories. SD Sound section dont have directories .... you only copy midi files into the same root up to 999 songs. In this direction our PLUG-iN System is what you are looking for! For more information please klick here.

- Does the SD-TechManager7000 offer any MIDI file edit functions?
NO, there are so many MIDI Editors on the market, we will offer managing tools only.

- Is there also an alphabetic list on the SD-TechManager7000?
YES, on the "EDIT USER PLAY LIST" you will find all the SD SONGs in alphabetic list as well.
NO, there is no alphabetic sorted list for the Technics Songs right now. We are study such an improvement for a later update.

upzum Anfangup

PLUG-iN SP7001

- Can I use the 8MB SD card for the PLUG-iN system?
Basically YES! ... (the SP7001 only need about 0.2MB memory for the system) ... but you have consider about the way you will store your data. Since the software licence is only available for one start/boot SD Card we strongly recomment to have a bigger SD Card (128/256 MB).

- Why my 8MB SD Card only store 48 Technics KN5000 songs?
Since the KN5000 files where not compressed like the KN6000 and KN7000 the numbers of songs is limited by about 50 pcs.
You can get more free space if you load the songs on the KN7000 and save it again. Than the files will be compressed and additional memory will get free.

- I have a KN2000 HDD backup with about 900 songs. Is 128 MB ok for all these data.
YES, 900 songs on a KN2000 hard disk drive are about 65-85MB big. So if you have no plans to work with Audio files you can work with such a SD card.

upzum Anfangup

- Why I can't have 2 or more Start/Boot SD cards?
Since the software license is purchased only for a single SD Card we liberate your start/boot SD card. Of course you can install the SP7001 also on a second or more SD cards.

- Why I have to install the PLUG-iN system also on my other SD cards?
Already in the KN7000 planning phase we have asked Technics to reserve a PLUG-iN RAM/ROM area for the entire program code. Unfortunately the final memory size was far to small and we had to find a solution with hardware ROM and SD card. So every SD card need that part of PLUG-iN code on their memory to work with the new file structure.

- Can I save several JUKE BOX?
NO, the idea of the JUKE BOX is to offer a small memory where you can set some certain songs to be play without searching. The setup or programming is very easy and fast. A saving need some more time and makes it not so easy to use.
Right now we only miss an auto save of the last setup. Such a function should be implemented in one of the coming updates.

- I miss the function DELETE which I had on the SX6!
SORRY, this and some other functions need our attention in the coming weeks. Please refer this page again, we hope to be ready with a new update very soon.
- PLUG-iN is installed but I cannot find my songs.
I already had some songs saved on the SD card with the standard SD Card system. Now I have installed the PLUG-iN sytem and the songs are not lited! Why?
You have to understand, that the PLUG-iN System need to have its own file system. But don't worry ... your songs are still there, on the SD card.
How to copy the songs into the new directory system:
1. Only a fiew songs (about 50-60 songs)
You can load the song from the Main SD-Menu (Standard SD Card system). Than you press the SD Card button and change to the PLUG-iN System, release the WRITE PROTECT, select the directory and save the song on the desired place. Repeat this procedure as many time you like.
2. A lot of songs (more than 50 songs)
First you have to make a backup with the SD-TechManager7000 (the song Manager backup is a compressed data which we cannot use) Than you change to the PLUG-iN version Sd-TechManager7001 and copy all the songs in one or by your selection.
To combine SD Song, Technics files and SD AUDIO the KN7000 SD format has a 8KB cluster size. (Cluster size is the smallest space on the file system)
That is a good idea for bigger data like Audio or MIDI files. Unfortunately many of the compressed Technics files are less than 8KB but the system has to reserve 8KB for each. For example: A *.msp file is only 2KB but 8KB are reserved on the SD Card.

This document maintained by KEY SOFT SERVICE. Graphic Copyright © 2002, KEY SOFT SERVICE